People need to understand...poetry is a fire element
People need to understand...poetry is a fire element

Stacy Dyson is a poet, acapella vocalist, playwright who specializes in the life and times of the Black woman. “Someone has to sing for my sisters. Their lives, loves, philosophy...There are centuries of stories begging to be told. I’m lucky enough to be one able to make those voices be heard”.
Ms Dyson has done program design, residencies, workshops, and live
performances in all sorts of places--Colorado, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, New Mexico, South Dakota, Nebraska, to name a few-- and all over San Diego.
"The stage is my natural habitat. It’s fine to tell your stories, but for me, unless I can vibe, interact with a crowd, my job is only half-done.”
Author of seven collections of poetry (BLACK DIAMONDS, OBSIDIAN ICE, BLUES IN THE FIRST POSTION, WOMAN 724365, NEFERTIRI’S KISS, AND POR INNOCENCIO, and her latest, FOLLOW ME ON THIS), she has also created five CDs of poetry and spoken word.
A WOMAN BESIDE THE SUN, SO MANY ANGELS, and (Love Me) SAN DIEGO STYLE are poems, stories and music that celebrate/document/declare what it is for me to be a Black woman in this world, what it is to be an artist, how myself and my sisters navigate our lives. No, that way is not easy. But it is often joyous , and always carries the sanity of truth”
A former Poet Laureate for Imagination Celebration (Colorado Springs) a nominee for Poet Laureate for the State of Colorado. Founder/Lead Poet DragonsWing (Colorado Springs) and CoFounder/Lead Poet for Page to Stage:Womens Words (San Diego ) she is also a Pikes Peak Community Foundation Individual Merit Award recipient, a Colorado Women’s Playwriting Festival winner for her play FANNIE’S GIRLS: A 4-1-1 IN -5PART ATTITUDE, and a TEDx speaker
“It’s never, ever about my single voice. So, the shows and women’s workshops are extremely important to me. Especially now, our lives literally depend on knowing how to speak our truth, share our stories, bring thunder and healing with our voices. The workshops are women only because women will say and bring forth deeper parts of their souls when they’re surrounded and supported by other women. I’ve heard stories, confessions,..
Those conversations, those places have to be given due honor. They have to continue.”
Currently, Stacy is working on a tour to promote her newest collections, LOVELY AND SUFFERING and FOLLOW ME ON THIS. Later this year, she’ll be writing a play about sisters and their relationships called AUGUST 5000.